#1 Amazon Best Seller
Take Your Power Back Now: The Ultimate Confidence Guide for Women
Pick up your copy of the book that launched a global women's empowerment movement on amazon today.
The story I never wanted to tell about healing from a toxic relationship, overcoming fear & thriving has inspired thousands of women around the world to skyrocket their confidence & cash flow, heal, turn their lemons into lemonade and create their own movement.
Why not you?!
Feel sexy, feminine, powerful, prosperous fun & fabulous with me! Let's go GODDESS!
Get it on TODAY'S HOT DEAL offer for a limited time, the EBOOK & AUDIO BOOK ( narrated by me) for instant download :)
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My name is Vanessa Simpkins. “Vaness” in latin means butterfly … the symbol of transformation, rebirth and new beginnings.
The process of surrender and TRUSTING your INTUITION, radical reinvention & transformation because this IS the process of life... CREATIVITY is your expression of LIFE.
I’m ALL about GROWTH, EXPANSION & FREEDOM... authentic creative self expression, Soul expansion, growing into your purpose and INNER freedom, priceless.
Tap here to READ & Listen to my IMPERFECT creative process & BEST TIPS on how to NOT sabotage your own creative SOUL expression and the stumbling blocks of self judgment we can face when living God's purpose for our lives.
How to overcome self judgement, perfectionism, FEAR, not feeling good enough, ready YET... compare n despair mode ALL the things creative entrepreneurs struggle with... how do I KNOW?
Because I struggle with the same dang things too!
AND .. when you INSPIRE other people with what you learn in life & have the COURAGE to just PUT it out there, your BIG MESSY, imperfectly RADICAL human experience ... something magical happens.
Let's talk about that! Creativity at it's finest ... you gotta be willing to SURRENDER & make a MESS... that's how you learn and also how you START!

I'm a BIG Fan of many roads to Rome but the Truth is the Truth. I love GOD and I love researching the Truth.
Here's something to chew on... If GOD made everything don't you think God can USE anything to get your attention? I do.
I live in mystical Mount Shasta Northern California.
Kauai Hawaii is my another SPIRIT home for me. I have been living / enjoying / visiting and initiating women to her magic for 15 years. ALOHA! I love inviting others to experience the Peace & Serenity, Reflections and MAGIC Nature always provides.
The story I NEVER wanted to tell. Turning your lemons into lemonade, transforming stories and experiences of pain into purpose is the ULTIMATE adventure of GROWTH, EXPANSION & FREEDOM.
So is showing up and OBEYINg God's plan for your life. It's NEVER easy or comfortable and always worth it.
My work is serving awakening women, spiritual entrepreneurs, light workers, love leaders, the spiritual warriors in making a BIG POSITIVE ripple in the world with LOVE.
Love, kindness, care, compassion and grace will take you everywhere you want to go. That and trusting your intuition, higher power of GOD to lead the way.
I love the things God leads me to in the fields of studying scripture, ancient spiritual wisdom, natural healing modalities for vitality, the power of nature and deep inner transformational work with my Rockstar, Love Leader, SOUL SISTER clients.
That and some ninja online marketing systems & authentic sales funnels to GET the word OUT about YOUR WORK in the most natural way to let your ESSENCE shine.
I love it when technology works!!! And I LOVE helping women keep things SIMPLE to start.
But enough about me, what I would like to know is…
I Love Helping Women Feel More Confident & Go After All Their Big Dreams, Visions & PURPOSE God's Been Knocking On Their Heart With...

Nim Stant
Influencer & Speaker, Former Yoga Teacher
I just wanted to thank you for teaching us all that we can all be successful.

Vanessa Simpson
Soul Alchemist & Alignment Coach
"Now after a year out of the program I have manifested a house with 5 acres of property for my company's retreats and my own joy.

Soul Biz Coach
"My whole business has completely changed, before working with you I was working 50 hours a week, too many one on ones, launching every month I was earning good money but to the expense of my sanity. I hated my business and I hated my life.

Take Your Power Back Now Exclusive Ebook + Audio Bundle ... Get Todays RED HOT Deal!
Readers tell me they are hooked on my engaging, honest, funny and direct writing style for women's empowerment & cheeky wisdom that inspires the soul after just one page.
Well, I have good news...They often asked me to turn my #1 best seller the book that launched global women's empowerment movement into an AUDIO book... SO I DID, and bundled it together with the E-BOOK in this power packed set! Get it today at 60% off!
HOURS of inspiration, take your power back now fun cheeky women's empowerment wisdom & CONFIDENCE.
Two ways to INSPIRE & Empower yourself to overcome perfectionism, self doubt & your resistance to creating a life you love... with this EBOOK & AUDIO Book exclusive offer.

I AM A CONSCIOUS CREATOR: The Ultimate Mindset & Manifesting Course For Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs
Start Manifesting Like A BOSS & Skyrocket Your Confidence & Cash Flow With the I AM A CONSCIOUS Creator Program.
Discover the EXACT step by step formula thousands of my clients used to clear their energy leaks, raise their frequency, reprogram their subconscious mind for success & abundance the ability to RECEIVE more easily WITHOUT the resistance, self doubt or self sabotage that blocks most peoples from achieving REAL results with the law of attraction.
How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind & knock the pesky EGO & its protective mechanisms OUT for good with this RINSE & REPEAT system to Reach Your Goals.
You want to be an entrepreneur? Kick Your WORTHINESS & DESERVINGNESS into high gear lovers! Get this course!
Discover how to SHIFT your prosperity set point & CLEAR out the ENERGY you're holding on the area of MONEY & LOVE ... and then watch what awesome juiciness you call in ACTIVATE & create!
NOT previously available outside of my HIGH END mastermind programs until NOW ...

Standards & Serenity
How to Set New Standards & Move Through the Chaos of Healing From Neglect, Abuse, Addiction & Toxic Family Dynamics Through to Serenity On the Other Side
Did you grow up in a dysfunctional family system with emotional neglect or abuse, addiction or mental illness?
Have you tried to figure out why all of your relationship patterns continuously repeat leaving you feeling used, not having your needs met or attracting unavailable partners ( in your family / work / romantic and friendships )?
Are you READY to radically transform your relationships with more honesty, confidence, reciprocity and discover how to actually get your needs met WITHOUT abandoning any parts of yourself or hiding your truth or playing small.....
Enroll in the Standards & Serenity Mini Course today. Learn how to set healthy boundaries & start your journey to heal from toxic relationships.